Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Pure fashion 2012

This sunday we had our final fashion show  here are the photos enjoy!

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

spring in to summer!

I thought today I would do a post about spring/summer musties lets get rolling

awesome right??! now this might look like a skirt to some,It did to me at first but its really shorts! I found this at belk today while I was looking for an outfit for a fashion show this Sunday! be looking for a post about that soon!

I love this hot pink bow skirt!

This dress is really cute in fact my dress for the fashion show looks kinda like this love the shoes too!

ah lace now a lot of people will be like WHAT? LACE??! I really love these it will totally be on my summer shopping list this year!

these are my FAVORITES! I have some on as we speak and they are glitter too!

Hope you enjoyed pealse let me know if u like these post and give me some more blog ideas you would like me to do!

Thanks! :)

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Sneak peek

I have always loved fashion and I've always wanted to be a model. I started purefashion in 2011, a program that teaches girls to dress modestly yet fashionable and trendy. I always wanted to be like Brenda Sharman,the founder of purefashion. She told her story one day at a PF meeting. She didn't have the Lord in her life, until she was having her first child. She knew something was missing and she started searching and found the Lord. Since then she only models modest fashions. I emailed her and she gave me some good feedback on what modeling places I should look in too! Today I had a photo shoot to make my portfolio. I will see the photos in a couple of weeks. Here's some photos that I sent in to Modeling Images.

Here's a photo from today's photo shoot snapped with my mom's phone.